A month or two ago, I bought a pair of HD Vision sunglasses, as seen on TV, from my local CVS for about $10. I am not sure if there are different models available, or maybe there are slightly different brand names involved, but the pair I got is not exactly the pair I have seen advertised, as no way they would fit over a pair of regular glasses as advertised. I think these are called HD Vision Ultras, based on comparing them to the pictures I see on various websites.
As plastic sunglasses go, they are OK. I don't think that they are 3 and a third times better than the $3 plastic sunglasses I already had. They do seem a little brighter, but it might be that is because they are not quite as dark as my other pair of plastic sunglasses.
Based on using them nearly everyday, mostly driving back and forth to work, I can't recommend them as being superior to other plastic sunglasses, but they are OK, if somewhat expensive, as plastic sunglasses go.
[update 7-18-10]
I have to rate them a fail. The plastic frame around one of the lenses failed. Maybe I can get my money back from CVS.

[update 7/22/10]
My wife took them back to CVS and they exchanged them for a new pair of the same thing. Try again I guess.

As the buyer of your sunglasses...It would be long ago that your glasses were at $3...$10 is cheap...that's why these are cheap sunglasses at 10,
Sunglasses or sun glasses are a visual aid, variously termed spectacles or glasses, which feature lenses that are colored or darkened to prevent strong light from reaching the eyes. Many people find direct sunlight too bright to be comfortable, especially when reading from paper in direct sunlight.
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