Saturday, January 17, 2015


Wilma and I hike in the slush and snow at a local forest preserve. It's one of the more well used preserves in the area and we ran across several people out on the trail. We also ran into a creek that had flooded its banks and then frozen so there was a solid sheet of ice I did not want to traverse so we went back and bypassed. I also tried out the cat can stove I made a while back along with the Walmart grease pot. I think the cat stove needs a pot stand The grease pot is just a little big but worked fine at heating water. Never really liked trying to heat water up in the SS cup or the enameled steel cup I was using. It made the cup too hot to drink from. I got a plastic coffee mug and cut off the handle and it fits inside the grease pot with room to spare. I had to cut off videoing when it got dark. Not much to video anyway.

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