Tuesday, September 7, 2010

4 mile hike with the creek beagle Willow Creek bike path

In the late afternoon my wife dropped me off at the Rock Cut State Park and the creek beagle and I walked home, mostly along the Willow Creek bike path. It took us about 2 hours. I estimate it was just under 4 miles.

[map added 10-6-10]
Wilma managed to match her previous pooping record for a single walk - five poops. And, yes, I picked them all up.

This is the first mile marker near the dam. Maybe an 1/8th of a mile from the trail head there.

A suspicious vine along the path.

The creek beagle in her element.

More creek beagle.

The dam is at the west end of the lake, and we are almost out of the state park here, headed west.

As we are leaving the park, continuing to head west along the bike path.

Forest Hills Road underpass. The underpass was flooded so we had to go up and over the road.

Creek beagle enjoying the creek at the Forest Hills Road underpass.

A beach ball floating in the creek near the Forest Hills Road underpass.

The swing over the creek at the FH Road underpass.

The last mile marker we saw almost at the end of the bike path adjacent to Harlem High School. That would make it 2.5 miles from the first mile marker near the dam to this one near the end of the path. It's probably another 1/8 of a mile to Alpine road from this marker, and at least another mile for us to get home.

This is where Willow Creek goes under Alpine Road and is the end of the bike path.

Creek beagle enjoying the creek one last time before walking home along Alpine Road.

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