Sunday, March 4, 2012

Roland Olson Forest Preserve 3-4-12

We were here a few months ago. We came back to see how it looked after the FPD went through and destroyed the pine trees here. It is just plain ugly. I will be long dead and buried before the damage these clowns did will be undone, if they even make an effort to do so. I could understand some serious thinning, but to just clear cut thousands of trees is unconscionable. I can't even begin to understand why anyone would think this was a good idea. It is a forest PRESERVE district, not a forest destroy district.

This being Illinois, I am guessing the real reason it is being done is $$. That always seems to be at the root of just about everything any governmental entity does. It would be interesting to find out just who the contractor that is cutting the trees down knows, and who they made campaign contributions to.

Unfortunately, the damage is done. The FPD made sure they snuck this past the public with as little fanfare as possible and when they were caught, they just went ahead with it so there would be no way public pressure could stop it.

We walked basically the same path as we did back in December. There is just the one loop.

Base Camp says it was 2.6 miles.

This is fairly typical of what is left of what used to be extensive stands of beautiful pine trees. It is not so bad covered in snow, but it will be down right ugly when the snow melts and there will be nothing there but some weeds.

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